A powerful venue sourcing network
Venue sourcing options for all types of planners
Get started for free to browse over 300K hotels and venues around the world in the Cvent Supplier Network. Filter your results, send one RFP to multiple venues, and pull reports to manage your venue data.
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Hear what our customers have to say
Asahi Travel Service
“We basically now have close to about 18-20% of market share from India, in leisure market for inbound arrival in Japan. And Cvent has been a very crucial part of the journey of getting to this point.”
Selyucus Markus, Director, ASAHI

The biggest thing we look for in our vendors is really having a partnership, as opposed to looking at them purely as a software provider. When it comes to Cvent...they’re really the ones who are leading the way, so we’re lucky.”
Ali Roberts, Technology Leader
“HelmsBriscoe’s Australia and New Zealand business has steadily grown year-over-year, and Cvent has certainly played a role in that.”
Kelli Vettoretto, Regional Director for Australia and New Zealand, HelmsBriscoe